As part of Hyundai’s role as a supporting partner of the Stand Up To Cancer fundraising initiative from Cancer



As part of Hyundai’s role as a supporting partner of the Stand Up To Cancer fundraising initiative from Cancer Research UK and Channel 4, they were given a special, one-off 60 second advertising slot to air during the evening broadcast. This was an extremely exciting opportunity to create something bespoke for a noble cause. The only problem was that we had less than a month to create something that millions of people would see.

Apart from the practicalities of spending a huge budget on an epic TV ad in under a month from briefing to broadcast, it just didn’t feel right to do it, given the nature of the project. So we and Hyundai decided to make the film as cheaply as possible, and donate the rest of the budget to Stand Up To Cancer.

We were determined to turn the tight deadline and need to be frugal to our advantage. Thankfully, we had our in-house creative team and video editor on hand to ensure all post-production could be done internally to keep concept and post-production costs to a minimum, as well as fine support from the good folks at Snapper Films to arrange the shoot.

So, after a few late nights drawing up placards with words to encourage support, and a few desperate emails to friends and colleagues, we assembled a cast of people who were happy to appear in a film that cost next to nothing to make, but which would be beamed all around the country on an important night for charity.


Whilst the crowning jewel in the Stand Up To Cancer campaign may have been our National TV advert, our Dealer Marketing team also worked tirelessly throughout the year to get the Hyundai dealer network involved and doing their bit. The “Drive Out Cancer” campaign saw the 160+ dealerships donating to Stand Up To Cancer for every test drive taken. A whole array of support materials were created by our internal design studio, including posters, point of sale, car livery kits, event programme ads, digital banners, social media posts, email templates and more. All of which could be customizable by the dealerships. The dealerships could also host their own fundraising events, getting involved with their local communities.